Title : Cars and Coffee at the Greene, July 16, 2016: A BMW 635 CSI and 1967 Porsche 911S Short Wheelbase
link : Cars and Coffee at the Greene, July 16, 2016: A BMW 635 CSI and 1967 Porsche 911S Short Wheelbase
Cars and Coffee at the Greene, July 16, 2016: A BMW 635 CSI and 1967 Porsche 911S Short Wheelbase
Hi folks -- a beautiful morning for Cars and Coffee! Two cars stood out for me. A terrific BMW 635 CSI and a 1967 Porsche 911 S Short Wheelbase. The BMW was darn near perfect. The Porsche wasn't perfect, but who cars? It is worth plenty of beans now, but more importantly an original survivor with cleaned up engine bay. Destined for return to Germany, perhaps?
Thus articles Cars and Coffee at the Greene, July 16, 2016: A BMW 635 CSI and 1967 Porsche 911S Short Wheelbase
that is all articles Cars and Coffee at the Greene, July 16, 2016: A BMW 635 CSI and 1967 Porsche 911S Short Wheelbase this time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article Cars and Coffee at the Greene, July 16, 2016: A BMW 635 CSI and 1967 Porsche 911S Short Wheelbase with the link address https://allofamericanautomobile.blogspot.com/2016/07/cars-and-coffee-at-greene-july-16-2016.html
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